About Us

Thank you for stopping by my blog page!  My name is Chatchaphong, and I run the site here: TheWalkingDead4U.blogspot.com.
Like many of you out there, I'll introduce to the walking dead TV series.  I’ve always loved the zombies and the adventures that come along with life, love, and overall exploring.  I always seen the zombies movies at least once a month.  My first series about zombies is the walking dead season1 then I love this series.

My goal with the site here is to give you the information you need in an easy to digest format so that you can get the best information and products about The Walking Dead.  Yes, I’ll be providing my own opinions and input along the way, but when it comes right down to it, you might be more concerned with price.
As I do more research, I’ll be providing in-depth reviews of series, books, toys, costumes, models and more.
In short, I hope my site here with help you find the walking dead items for you.
You can find out more about me right here: Google+

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